Black Wall Street
This page is the information for the Black Wall Street Exhibit. The exhibit is divided into three sections. Please enjoy, and review the slide presentation on the display screens for each section inworld.
Reconstruction to Black Wall Street
The Reconstruction era (1861 to 1900), the historic period in which the United States grappled with the question of how to integrate millions of newly freed African Americans into social, political, and labor systems, was a time of significant transformation within the United States.
Many southern areas of the USA created Black Codes, or laws designed to ensure the recently released Slaves/Black People could not prosper and would be pulled into a new form of slavery, known as economic slavery and prison slavery.
During this period many Blacks prospered by working together and building their own towns and semi-sustainable communities. Dusable also around this time founded Chicago, the first Black owned trading post also called a MALL today.
This building represents the style of buildings first developed and used by free people to start their businesses.
Please review the slides behind the exhibit for more information