An engaging race based on combining the RL Iron Man, Spartan, and Amazing Race into one amazing adventure race where you need the endurance of Atlas to win! The race takes place in Second Life, Metaverse.Only residents of Second Life, Metaverse are allowed to participate in the ATLAS Race.
Registered users participate in an endurance race that spans multiple sims, multiple adventures, and involves problem solving.All proceeds from this event go to MEROE Uhuru Programs, which fund the following charities:
The HIDDEN GENIUS project, educating boys on STEM
Black Girls Do STEM, educating girls on STEM
Black Girls Do STEM
The ATLAS Race is in two forms, the first form is for regular participants, and features a shorter, smaller race. The second form is for endurance and competitive athletes that are interested in competing at a high level for a prize.
The ATLAS RACE Season Event Schedule
The ATLAS Race is held twice a year, two seasons. During Winter break of Dec 27th – Dec 31st (Season 1) & Jul 1st – 7th (Season 2), every year.
The ATLAS Race HUD and events/races are open all year so that participants can practice and train. Only registered ticket holders are allowed to compete in the two official events which give out prizes. Practice races which are available daily contain 5 to 6 races/events. The main event races held twice a year contain 10-14 events. The additional events are updated 24h before the main race.
Each racer starts the race, and as they complete each segment they must solve a puzzle or hunt. Upon completing the puzzle or hunt they are given a clue to the next location of the race. Each segment is timed. To qualify for the medal all racers/participants must cross the finish line or have a time less than the time/window provided. Winners of the race (1st-3rd) place will receive a share of the total prize for the event.
Details of the race are provided in the ATLAS Race Manual/Passport included with the ATLAS Race HUD.
All locations are considered confidential until 1 week prior to the race. The details of the race are given to participants in the Pre-race briefing.
Practice Race events are held continuously throughout the year. Use your HUD to practice the available locations, new locations are added prior to new main event start.
Registration, Tickets, Passports ..etc.
ATLAS RACE registration is available by purchasing a RACE TICKET via Second Life Marketplace. Each participant is allowed to have one Supporter attend the race and take pics during the race activities. This event is only available for Second Life Residents, and is located inworld in Second Life, Metaverse. Each ticket holder is contacted inworld (Second Life, Metaverse). within 48 hrs of purchase to confirm registration. Each ticket holder will identify their team name during the registration contact. All teams must contain a minimum of 3 racers.
All Required Passports and Critical Gear – Click for Tickets
Event Logistics
Duration. 7 days, JULY 1st – 7th,
Flexible Start
Race Duration: Four days to complete all events. Race performance time is captured using the HUD
Event Roles
The Event Roles provides an overview of roles within the Race. If there are any questions about responsibilities or roles. Please Reach out to Ras or Gigi. Click below to download the advertising flyer for the race to help with promoting the race.
ATLAS Race Social Media Ad 2022
Partners provide the SIM and a logo for display in the museum and part of the promotional assets.
Partners help to promote outdoors activities in SL
Partners get greater exposure via social promotion campaigns, and visitors to the sim
Partners receive a donation for the appreciation of the use of their time and facilities
Donation is from UCS and is not derived from the charity event.
Please click this link to register as a Sponsor, Vendor, or Partner
We provide the logistics team to monitor participants
We provide support for participants
We are the single PoC for participant issues decreasing the impact on partners
Event Course (A mixture of the below – see your ATLAS Race Passport/Ticket)
Sport Activity (revealed during pre-race briefing)
Mountain Climb: Plant Flag – Post pic
Event Fee
The following fees are required prior to the start of the race. All fees go to the UHURU program and are immediately submitted as donations to the charities described earlier in the overview.
SOLO Racers and TEAM Racers fees are bundled in the ticket price.
Sponsor: Gift Cards or $L 500,$L 1000 donation
Vendors: $L 500
The following gear should already be acquired prior to the start of the race. We recommend wearing or creating outfits for each race to ensure you can save time, while gearing up.
Swimming outfit
Swimmer HUD
Body Scanners
Triathlon Pedometer
Scuba Compass
The following rules must be accepted and understood prior to starting the race.
All participants must have fun
All participants must have a good spirit during the race
No bullying
All participants must wear the ATLAS Race Hud at all times
All participants must wear appropriate gear
All participants can be scanned for attachments at any time
All participants must wear TAG
All data is captured from your ATLAS Race HUD at each leg of the race, suspected tampering of data will lead to disqualification and banning in future races.
Each leg of the race or event features a prize. At the conclusion of the race all scores will be compiled and winners announced the following week on our site.
Total Prizes equal $10K Linden in total prizes not including free swag.
Prizes will be warded to the following:
1st Place: Vacation, Medal
2nd Place: Gift Card, Medal
3rd Place: Gift Card, Medal
ATLAS RACE Partners and Sponsors
Grand Canyon Resort
Mt. Everest
Lil Cuba Resort
Second Life Cycling Federation
Racers Island
Sneaky Link Radio
Chocolate Media
Khaotic Entertainment
Verse & Vinyl
Pour p Winery
More sponsors…coming..