Film Festival Roadmap
Click Icons for more information and links. Check Social Media page for additional Social Media links & channels. Monthly we curate a listing of films to feature in our Monthly Film Festival. The films/movies are viewable on our YouTube Channel and inworld in Second Life at our main MEROE Museum Campus. Interested in submitting your film? Click here to Sign Up to submit your film for consideration viewing.

MARCUS GARVEY: Pan Africanism, Garveyism &
Black Nationalism
01/01/24 |Viewable Anytime| Duration: 120 Min
Open Session | Staff Not Available
The film(s) presented during our film festival are either submitted by film producers or acquired via the internet database, and similar content channels. These films are available until EOM.
The following films are featured this week:
What is Pan Africanism
Pan Africanism, Dubois, Garvey and the New Era
MARCUS GARVEY: PAN AFRICANISM, Garveyism & Black Nationalism – Biography
Although Marcus Garvey was a Black Nationalist his concepts, actions, strategies & vision became a solid foundation of the Pan African Movement. Today, the flag Marcus Garvey made popular to represent Black Nationalism, has evolved to become the basis of all Pan Africanism today.
This event is located in the MEROE Museum Campus Movie Area. Any resident of SL is welcome to attend. Please keep in mind this event is streamed.. Click Icons below for more info and options. Click Image for Large version of the Flyer/Plugger
SPAM or Ads is the specific content to share inworld in Second Life and/or in real world social media.
Please share Event information on your favorite social media.
– None Available for this event.
Second Life Access: Yes
Group Notice: No
The event is located in Second Life. Access to this event requires logging into Second Life.
Additional information may be available via the inworld group notices.
Public Access: Yes
Subscriber Access: Yes
This Event is the monthly film festival event. Open to Subscribers and is accessible to the general public in the real world (RL) via standard internet browser.
Additional information may be available via MEROE Museum social media channels.
Event Information
The location:
MEROE Museum HQ Office , Movie Area
Second Life, Metaverse.
This event is not available for Twitch.