Connect with us. We welcome everyone to work with us to help promote unity and end division such as colorism.
Spoken Word
Spoken Word/Hip Hop performance focused on unity, Pan Africanism and positive messages. (Duration 1 hr.)
Global exhibits from local Second Life Residents illustrating how all cultures originate from a single universal culture and the incredible creative talent of SL Residents.
Our Film Festivals feature lectures and films by leading scholars such as Runoko Rashidi, Dr. Clarke, and Dr. Cheikh Anta Diop, and more (Available 24 hr. a day.)
Popular exhibits are back on display featuring Ancient Kente Cloth, The DIVINE BLACK NINE, Black Wall Street, MARCUS GARVEY, and more.
Exhibit Areas & Gift Shop
Five Halls and Galleries to explore covering Africa, African-Americans, Black Indigenous Americans and More.
Our gift shop features custom designs and some of the art work on display. Also stop in to get your FREE GIFT, the beautiful and flowing UNITY FLAG (red, black & green).
Campus and Activities
Explore our campus located in Second Life, on the continent, Corsica. Many outdoor exhibits for pictures and exploring. Explore using our free to use vehicles, and horses.

Why We Celebrate Black History Month
MEROE Museum celebrates Black History Month in Second Life with New exhibits and Events.
We honor Dr. Carter G Woodson who started the American version of this concept in the early 20th century – 1924, officially adopted in 1976. MEROE looks at Dr. Woodson as a person ahead of his time and a visionary. Imagine if we didn’t have Black History Month how many people would learn about the beauty of our culture.
Until February you rarely hear anything about the contributions of Africans, African Americans, and African descendants in the diaspora. We take this opportunity to promote, educate, and empower people with the knowledge of our culture as well as promote the prosperity of a new Africa.
Exhibits & Events
Please explore and enjoy our exhibits. Scroll for more information about MEROE. All Exhibits and Exhibit information is inworld in Second Life, Metaverse. The majority of major and minor exhibits are located at the main
MEROE Museum Campus,
Second Life, Metaverse.
Check Locations for more info..
Please use the inworld kiosks for more information
Please do not forget your gift.

annual Events, Performances &
Film Festivals
We have a minimum of 6 events annually. All events are listed on the Events Details page. Only months with events are listed. Click Here for Film Festival Movie Listings.
FEB – Black History and Black Future Festival, new MEROE Exhibit
JUN – Juneteenth Music Festival and new MEROE Exhibit
AUG – Black August Festival /Tour
OCT – Black Panther Party Founders Day Celebration
Dec– MEROE Founders Day Events, Reflection on the assassination of Chairman Fred Hampton of the Black Panther Party for Self Defense.
- Full event descriptions are listed on the Events page

Gallery – New Exhibit
The following exhibits are UPDATE and LIVE and available in the Gallery.
- COLORISM – an exhibit collaboration with MEROE and Bro. Skully an active artist resident in Second Life.
- The exhibit focuses on highlighting the existing division amongst Black culture focused around skin color, and which color is best.
- Time and Space – An exhibit collaboration with Giselle, A model and active artist in SL. The focus of the exhibit is to highlight our culture throughout time with a mix of Afrotech, and reality
- All Exhibits will persist through 2030

Exhibit Halls – New Exhibits
The following exhibits will be UPDATED and LIVE in the MEROE Exhibit Halls.
- AFRO Future and Afro tech Updates – highlighting some of the amazing economic accomplishments occurring on the continent and the diaspora.
- Inventions and Innovations of Blacks in the Diaspora. We highlight many inventions, authors, artists, and contributions made by Black people from 1 AD until the modern era
- Black Panther Party & Community Programs. An exhibit focused on highlighting the amazing community programs provided by the Black Panther Party.
- All Exhibits will persist through 2030
FY25 Roadmap Exhibits & Events
MEROE Museum upcoming promoted exhibits and events roadmap is focused on providing a sneak peak into the current quarterly roadmap. The exhibits, events and initiatives are subject to change 15 days prior to launch.

JAN – April
Schedule Tentative to change: Sound Check Sessions & Open Mic – See Events
JAN– FBA, ADOS, Black American Indians, & PAN Africanism – An overview – Exhibit
FEB– The DIVINE Nine – Founders of Black Greek Culture, OSCAR MICHEAUX – 1st Black Feature Movie Creator – HOUSE MUSIC 40yrs – ORIGINS & Founders
MAR – Black Wall Street & Economics & Kente Cloth Exhibit
APR – Ancient Culture of Africa & Americas Exhibits

Schedule Tentative to change: Sound Check Sessions & Open Mic – See Events
MAY – Black Inventions & Innovations
JUN – Juneteenth Exhibit, Africa & Dance New Exhibit
JUL – Liberation Walls from Around the World
AUG – Black August Exhibit, Afro Future & Modern Exhibit, Afrotech Back to the Future Art Exhibit

SEP – Dec
Schedule Tentative to change: Sound Check Sessions & Open Mic – See Events
SEP – FELA KUTI Cover Art and Message Exhibit
OCT – Black Panther Party & Community Programs Exhibit
NOV – MOORS – The Great Civilizer – Exhibit
DEC – KWANZAA Art exhibit
MEROE Gift Shop
Contribute and support MEROE by purchasing our merch. Show your love for the culture, the museum and the movement by showing off our gear to the world. You can buy online and inworld.
Click here to Visit the online shop
Click here to visit the inworld /metaverse Shop
MEROE Shop – Bring SL into the RL with
WE provide SWAG in our SHOP and inworld in Second Life, in our Gift Shop
MEROE Fundraiser – Empowering Our Community
Coming Soon to MEROE our own MEME Coin, NFTs and in-world NFTs & More. Currently MEROE is fundraising to ensure we continued to provide value to the our community in Second Life. Many users have requested the ability
to donate anonymously with crypto currencies. We decided the most effective method for MEROE and for the community is to enable crypto acceptance but also provide additional value by enabling donors and supporters to also gain some
additional value. More to come soon.
Although we are fund raising , there are no issues with our current fund $reservers. MEROE is currently funded until 2027. Our goal is to create a new approach which enables MEROE to continue to exist int o the far future -without
as much need for active donors
Coming MARCH 01.

Crypto Currency Adoption & Donations
Donate using your favorite crypto. Donate using the following crypto currencies: DOGE, TRX, SOLANA, ETHEREUM, SUI, Litecoin, XRP and BITCOIN

NFTS featuring original artwork, unique and limited edition. All NFTs will be backed by the MEROE Meme coin and related BTC reserves.

MEME Coins & Donations
MEME Coin – name TOP SECRET until launch. The MEME Coin is a crypto souvenir and backed by its own reserve and connected BTC reserve

Recent internet research:
Pyramids of MEROE.
A Google Project.
The MEROE Museum Research Team is proud to share a recent cool find on the internet provided by Google. The Pyramids of MEROE, an interactive exhibit which highlights the KMT (Egyptians) & Nubians. The Nubian Monuments and MEROE are not known by many. We think you will enjoy this informative interactive tour. Be sure to join us inworld to continue the education at our Museum.
Permanent Exhibits & Events
MEROE Museum is focused on showcasing exhibits, art, and art installations that focus on showing how indigenous/Black culture is the foundation of the current world civilization.
We believe by showing the truth about our culture and our people we promote unity through diversity for all people in the world. Every day new facts are revealed about how ancient our culture is and how important it is to the world today. In addition, we believe by providing this information inworld in a safe collaborative space, we foster communication between all peoples in the diaspora and the world.
Our inworld museum features five expansive exhibit halls, a gallery, gift ship and a library. Each exhibit description provides a description of the exhibit location within MEROE museum. Icons in the exhibit description provide guidance on exhibit details.
Visit MEROE Museum in Second Life, Metaverse
Click to Learn about Second Life. MEROE Museum is only accessible via Second Life Metaverse Browser

The gallery art is focused on providing glimpses into areas of our culture often overlooked. This month we feature the following:
Fela Kuti-Father of Afrobeat – Album Covers. Fela’s music and album covers provided a glimpse into Nigeria and the need for political change.
Conscious – Political Hip Hop MCs– First part of a five part series called Origins of the Five Elements of Hip Hop. Focused on identifying the roots of the MC style.
“Did you Know”– Our Did You Know section provides a glimpse into history illustrating moments in our history with searchable facts to help promote truth and clarity amongst all cultures.

5 Exhibit Halls
Exhibit Hall 1 – Afrotech & Current and Future Strategies in Africa.
The exhibit focuses on showing the visitor existing economic and technology-oriented initiatives that are blossoming on the continent of Africa, and are not commonly known in the USA. Additionally, information is provided on future plans that have started to ensure that Africa as a whole rises to become a global power over the next decade. Africa will have a presence in space sooner than many realize.
Exhibit Hall 2 – Black Culture Inventions, Foundation of the World
The exhibit focuses on showcases a sample of the inventions that created by our ancestors in the ancient era and the modern era that are used every day but are not associated with our culture. The inventions impact all aspects of daily life from refrigeration to elevators.
Exhibit Hall 3 – Ancient Egypt -KMT & Nubia, Temple of Ramses (Nubian Monuments).
The exhibit focuses on highlighting the origins of Egypt, culture and relationships with their neighboring cities and relatives. Multiple exhibits are featured in this hall.

MediA and Music festival
The Media & Music Event/Festival this month is packed full of power.
Summer Fest The festival will feature music from across the diaspora such as soca, Brazilian funk, house, afrobeat, hip hop, etc. The purpose of the music festival is to showcase the rich diversity in our culture and have an amazing good time with like minds.
We will host three Festivals for 2023
Feb -Black (American & Diaspora) History – We celebrate daily the accomplishments of our ancestors and those around us. However, we celebrate our ancestor C.G Woodson for promoting the need and pushing for a designated time to promote our culture to ensure our people learn from the past.
Jun – Juneteenth – Celebrating when kidnapped/enslaved Black were freed from local tyranny. Additionally we celebrate the liberation event that occurred in South Africa in 1976.
Aug – Black August – Celebrating when most of the indigenous and slave rebellions took place around the world.
The media events for this month include new video lectures and new book releases.

Dr. Carter G. Woodson
MEROE Museum honors Dr. Carter G Woodson (1875 – 1950) started the American version of this concept in the early 20th century – 1924, officially adopted in 1976.
Like W.E.B. Dubois, Woodson believed that young African Americans were not being taught of enough of about their heritage and the achievements of their ancestors the builders of the first civilization.
To get his message out Carver first turned to his fraternity, Omega Psi Phi, which created Negro (Black American /African American) Literature Week in 1924. He chose February because it was the month in which Frederick Douglas was
Born. His legacy reached into the 20th and 21s century as he was the first to try to create an Encyclopedia Africana, a 6 volume set focused on the history and culture of Africans in the diaspora.
BookS – New Feature

New Exhibit:
The DIVINE Nine : Origins of Black Greek Organizations
MEROE Museum honors the legendary Divine Nine. The nine organizations and people that represent the foundation of the Black Greek organizations.
Many people know the organizations for current activities, campaigns and events. In this exhibit we focus on the origins, thoughts and ideas from the founders.
Additionally we are partnering with over ten Second Life Black Greek organizations to create an exhibit which reflects their history and mission. The Black Greek Community in Second Life is vast. Our goal is to share their
information to illustrate that organizations in SL not only make a difference but mirror the activities and missions of many existing Black Greek Orgs in the real world.

New Exhibit:
HOUSE MUSIC 40th Anniversary! – Origins, Founders, Music & Art
MEROE Museum honors House Music and its birth in Chicago, Illinois in 1984. This exhibit focuses on highlighting many of the original DJs whose creative art defined House Music from the Warehouse, to the Muzic Box, to the Bizmark Hotel
and more.
The exhibit is composed of sample mixes and of the era from a variety of famous founders and DJs such as legendary Ron Hardy, Andre Hatchett, Frankie Knuckles and more.
We also feature original art work from flyers/pluggers of that era. Pluggers represented the only way house heads (people participating in house music) could find the latest spots and music.
Additionally, we will feature live stream DJ sessions featuring Chicago House music style mixes.
See Events for more.

New Exhibit:
Innovators & Inventors –
Black Wall Street
MEROE Museum honors our modern era ancestors with an indepth look at inventions and innovations that exist today today to benefit all of humanity.
Exhibit includes Pushkin, Dumas, Du Sable, Garvey & infamous Charles Drew and more. the exhibit we illustrate how successful our people worked together from during slavery up till recently.
The exhibit illustrates our progression from during slavery and auction blocks to the rise of our beloved towns and institutions to the burning of Tusla.
This exhibit also includes a review of Marcus Garvey’s famous Black Starline, a business ahead of it’s time.
We also challenge the viewer to remember not all institutions of that era are gone, there are still Banks and other businesses from that era in existence.

New Exhibit: Pan Africanism, FBA, ADOS and Identity
An exhibit focused on illustrating how the concepts of FBA – Foundational Black Americans, ADOS – African Descendants of Slaves, Black Americans, African Americans, and Black American Indians have an interwoven past and powerful future
working together.
The exhibit helps viewers to understand the differences and beauty of each local cultural identify and how it relates to the overall global identity and socio-economic identity of Pan Africanism.
This exhibit is focused on countering the current divisive tactics used by many to divide and separate us into more fractions.

New Exhibit: COLORISM –
Dividing the People
MEROE Museum collabos with local Second Life Artist, DJ Skully to create a thought provoking art exhibit that enables the viewer to ask themselves if colorism affect their reality and treatment of others.
Colorism an issue that is like a plague to the universal Black community and culture. Colorism can cause self hatred as well as hatred of others , simply based off of Hue.
We must accept and realize that all Black people come in a variety of hues from the lightest to the darkest. It is the lack of understanding this that separates us.
We developed this exhibit to try to get people to reflect on colorism, and hopefully show them a different view of life. Some times when we see people some only see the hue of the skin, (which does not always indicate the amount
of melanin someone has either). This exhibit is a thought experiment meant to cause the viewer to rethink and challenge their programming.
BookS – Included in this exhibit is The ISIs papers by dr. frances cress welsing

New Exhibit:
Black Culture: Future History
MEROE Museum collabos with Second Life Artist, Giselle Chauveau to re-envision the current “history” of our culture and people.
Many of our concepts of history and culture are locked into specific areas of the earth such as North East Africa, and Western Afri-Asia (now known as the Middle East). However every day we learn more n more how an ancient Black
civilization travelled the earth setting up colonies, etc. As of late, we are beginning to accept that history may not be a progression from simple man to current. In fact, new evidence suggests a highly advanced civilization existed
before the earth’s global catastrophe, and the survivors of this advanced civilization provided the foundation for our current world.
We wanted to know what if the story was more than that. This exhibit focuses on envisioning what our timeline could be? in addition, each single piece of art represents a unique frame or era within the overall timeline. We hope all

Adinkra & Kente Cloth Exhibit
January’s Exhibit includes sculpture, artwork and a companionbook focused on Adinkra Symbols and Kente Cloth – Symbols and Meanings. Adinkra and Kente Cloth play a pivotal role in lives of Africans, and Africans in the Diaspora-like African Americans. We have a contributing artist from the Second Life Community, Diamond Martinez.
The exhibit is a mixture of mixed media and local SL Resident Artwork illustrating one of the natural uses of Kente Cloth and how it is worn.
No lecture available for this exhibit.
There is a book available for this exhibit located in the bookstore.
A custom MEROE Museum gift is available at the conclusion of the Hunt.
Black August honors, Black Political Prisoners, Pan Africanism, we focus on our ancestors. Our Ancestors continually fought for liberation and freedom in the form of slave rebellions, such as Nat Turner and those in Haiti
up till present day. Black August is honored every year to commemorate the fallen freedom fighters of the Black Liberation Movement, to call for the release of political prisoners in the United States, to condemn the oppressive
conditions of U.S. prisons, and to emphasize the continued importance of the Black Liberation struggle.
We continue this struggle today for human rights and liberation for all. Free Mutulu Shakur, Free Mumia Abu Jamal.
The exhibit features an art exhibit highlighting the global movement of BLACK AUGUST.
There is a lecture available for this exhibit.
A book is not available for this exhibit
HUNT or Gift
Gifts & Hunts are not available for this exhibit
Exhibit is located outdoors on the MEROE museum campus

Americas Exhibit
December’s Exhibit includes Artwork, Book and Film by the famous Pan-African Scholar Runoko Rashidi’s They Came Before Columbus. The exhibit focuses on his ground breaking work discussing the African presence in the Americas
The exhibit is a mixture of mixed media and local SL Resident Artwork replicating the great Olmec heads discovered in Mexico.
Lecture is available for this exhibit located in the outdoor and main museum theater.
There is a book available for this exhibit located in the bookstore.
A custom MEROE Museum gift is available at the conclusion of the Hunt.

Ancient Africa|
Egypt/KMT & Nubia Exhibit
December’s Exhibit includes Artwork and information focused on MAAT and her relationship to the modern day Angel. The concept is explored with art by SL Residents.
The MAAT and Laws of MAAT is a custom exhibit created and developed by local SL Residents, show casing imagination and creativity. Also features a replica of the interior of the Temple of Ramses aka the Nubian Monuments
There is a lecture available for this exhibit.
The 42 Laws of MAAT, Book is available with this Exhibit
A custom MEROE museum gift is available at the conclusion of the hunt

Long Term Exhibits
Long term exhibits include Nubia & KMT, 16th -19th century central and west African art, Asia origins and Africa the Future.
A mixed media exhibit focused on highlighting the similarities of KMT and Nubia. KMT and all concepts of KMT originate in Nubia. KMT started as a colony of Nubia.
Mid-Century Art
A mixed media exhibit focusing on the artwork from across the African continent highlighting specific mid-century art work.
Africa & Americas
A mixed media exhibit focused on highlighting the origins and influence of Black culture on the Americas.
Africa the future
A mixed media exhibit illustrating current initiatives in Africa and the Diaspora that focus on a sustainable future

MEROE Library Tablet
The MEROE Library Tablet allows all users to access all of the books in our library. The tablet features lifetime updates for all residents in Second Life. All of the books located in our library were found in ancient and lost locations
across the web, often in the internet archive itself. Each month will feature a new release of books.
The tablet is free for everyone.
The tablet will also enable users in RL to access our Library for free access to our book collection.
The following books are available in this release:
ISIS Papers, Black Skin & White Masks, Autobiography of Malcolm X, African Origins of Civilization, Philosophies & Opinions of Marcus Garvey, & They Came before Columbus
BookS – New Feature
Join us! Celebrate Summer of Liberation!
MEROE Museum Celebrates JUNE, JULY and AUGUST as a SUMMER of LIBERATION. It is a time for Black Americans and Black American Indians, Indigenous, & Aboriginals world wide to celebrate and take time to remember our ancestors and their fight for liberation, equality and human rights. Additionally we celebrate Black Music Month, Black Economics & Black August – which focuses on specific cultural liberation events in the shared history of vast culture. Join us for inworld events, and concerts. Special Exhibits are listed below. Our events are open to all. We promote unity amongst all peoples and cultures.
Museum Camp Activities
Explore our museum and campus activities and invite your friends, learn about your culture and play games.
Study and Social Area
You and your friends can enjoy learning & discussing your culture while playing games like catch, dominoes and spades.
Book Store
We offer inworld access to great books such as They Came Before Columbus, and The ISIS Papers. All books are free with donation.
Explore the continent around you with our local cars, and planes. Our main campus is located on the continent of Corsica, in Second Life, Metaverse.
HUNT and win custom made UCS and MEROE Museum swag, like hats, jackets, and more. We are also home to PASSPORT and The ARTIFACT HUNT for those that enjoy time pressure puzzles.

Our Team
The MEROE Museum was founded on the concept of unifying cultures by respecting our differences and seeing our commonality. All cultures of the world originated from black culture & black explorers throughout time. We seek to show a relationship, to bridge the gap between all cultures. Our team comes from a variety of backgrounds in RL but found common understanding of the world in SL. We came together to make change, one person at a time.
Ras Solaris
Founder/ Dir. Of Operations